The Tora series is an essential stand to hold the entire sushi rice preparation machine unit in a compact systematic manner. Tora incorporates the entire sushi rice preparation cycle into a single solution. It is made up of a complete stainless steel 304 column that perfectly holds the rice washing machine, the oven, and the mixer. An ideal and extremely compact solution for all activities within ethnic restaurants which need to rationally organize the available space. The manufacturing robustness and the quality of materials make it an extremely reliable tool that is able to withstand time.
Sushi is becoming more and more popular on the Island of Ireland. With the higher amount of customers for this product, it demands a higher amount of production.
- It includes: rice washer Zo, Okami oven, and Kuma mixer
- Structure also in stainless steel 304
- It takes up a minimal amount of space
- Overall Dimensions: 900 mm Wide x 1115 mm Deep x 225 mm High
The TORA system is made up a 3 x machines which can also be bought individually from our webshop. Such versatility enables you the customer to organize your space according to your needs.